Michu – Bonus Day of Catmas 2020

On the bonus day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … wonder full Michu.

Catmas wouldn’t be complete without sharing Michu’s story. Enjoying his (at least) third of nine lives to the fullest is truly a miracle.



In 2014, Michu’s had been living on the streets in NW Calgary with the kind support of his would-be rescuer putting out food and water for him. We made arrangements at the shelter for a spot so once he could be caught, Michu would have a place to go.

Unfortunately, while being captured scared Michu bit 4 people AND ended up at the wrong clinic. The bites meant an automatic 10-day hold for rabies after which he was going to be euthanized. After much discussion we were able to transfer him after the 10 days to the right clinic for vetting and neutering without incident. Once Michu arrived at the shelter we began our normal protocol for working with new cats. As scared and wary as he was, we never saw any aggression from Michu. Bad behaviour does not indicate a bad cat, just bad circumstances.

Within a year Michu had earned the right to roam freely about the shelter and was an instant cat magnet, especially for the younger ferals. As he grew more comfortable with people, Michu became quite the prankster. In no time at all he gained a reputation for pulling down people’s pants with a quick swipe of his paw. Most are wise to his tricks now, but he still picks out the new person in the crowd.

In late 2018, Michu’s right eye started changing to a golden brown colour. The vet felt there was nothing to worry about at the time. Over the following months the eye darkened considerably. By June 2019 we were concerned enough about the changes we had a specialist consult on his case. The specialist felt the eye was cancerous and should be removed. Pre-operative x-rays threw us for a loop. Dark spots indicated cancer had spread to his lungs. Thoughts of an operation went by the wayside and we dedicated ourselves to giving Michu the best palliative care possible, no matter how short a time it would be.

Michu lapped up the affections of his entourage – both feline and human – and continued to be well and healthy. Except for his eye, that is. By early 2020 his eye grew worse and something needed to be done before it ruptured. The choices were two: euthanize him or remove the eye. Considering how healthy Michu was and his zest for life, the choice was clear. Give him a chance to live.

Michu came through the surgery with flying colours. He healed up beautifully and continues to thrive. His fawning entourage may have something or a lot to do with it.

March 2021 will be his one year post-surgery anniversary. Michu has shown he wants to live and we are here to support him in living his best life.

We couldn’t think of a better Catmas cat to spread peace, joy and the gift of life with everyone.

Michu’s Christmas wish is to have a new cat tree with a large platform (or two) to share. He would never turn down grain-free poultry-based food either.

If you would like to help Michu’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares (https://bit.ly/ATBCaresFRFA). Specify his name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to sponsor Michu and contribute monthly towards his day-to-day care, please consider donating through CanadaHelps.org and select the fund “Sponsor Parent” along with specifying his name.


Photo Credit: Thomas Ooms

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