Santa delivering Global Pet Foods Rescue Box to FRFA

Thank You Global Pet Foods

Santa and his elves came by early because they knew without a doubt the cats have been very good cats.

A huge Thank You! to Cambrian, Edgemont and Shawnessy Global Pet Foods and Jeniffer Gurnett Real Estate for holding their annual Rescue Box campaign.

And more thanks for everyone who contributed to FRFA.

Your combined efforts and generosity made sure the cats are not forgotten at Christmas.


Santa delivering Global Pet Foods Rescue Box to FRFA


The folks at Global extend their support to rescue work year round.

We at FRFA, cats and folks, are so grateful to everyone that provides care and opportunity for our rescued cats.

Hearts For FRFA

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We thought what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day – and every day really – than to shower our cats with love!

Introducing Hearts <3 <3 <3 For FRFA

Until the end of February you can shower your favourite FRFA cats with hearts of love.

For each $25 donation, a heart will be given to the cat of your choice. With $50 you can give 2 hearts, $75 is 3 hearts and so on.

All of your hearts may be given to a single cat or you can spread your hearts around.

The steps are easy:

  1. Check out our album of Hearts <3 <3 <3 For FRFA heartbreakers below (also on our Facebook page)
  2. Note the cats to give your heart(s) to
  3. Make a donation at ATBCares or

** ATBCares still has 20% matching available for February **

  1. When your email tax receipt arrives, please forward to and tell us the name of the cat(s) you’re giving your heart to. You’re welcome to add an “in memory” or “in honour of” note as well.

Your name and donation details will remain private. Only your hearts will shine.

Please help spread the word! You know how cats love to be adored. <3 <3 <3

Gallery of Love and Purrfection

Michu – Bonus Day of Catmas 2020

On the bonus day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … wonder full Michu.

Catmas wouldn’t be complete without sharing Michu’s story. Enjoying his (at least) third of nine lives to the fullest is truly a miracle.



In 2014, Michu’s had been living on the streets in NW Calgary with the kind support of his would-be rescuer putting out food and water for him. We made arrangements at the shelter for a spot so once he could be caught, Michu would have a place to go.

Unfortunately, while being captured scared Michu bit 4 people AND ended up at the wrong clinic. The bites meant an automatic 10-day hold for rabies after which he was going to be euthanized. After much discussion we were able to transfer him after the 10 days to the right clinic for vetting and neutering without incident. Once Michu arrived at the shelter we began our normal protocol for working with new cats. As scared and wary as he was, we never saw any aggression from Michu. Bad behaviour does not indicate a bad cat, just bad circumstances.

Within a year Michu had earned the right to roam freely about the shelter and was an instant cat magnet, especially for the younger ferals. As he grew more comfortable with people, Michu became quite the prankster. In no time at all he gained a reputation for pulling down people’s pants with a quick swipe of his paw. Most are wise to his tricks now, but he still picks out the new person in the crowd.

In late 2018, Michu’s right eye started changing to a golden brown colour. The vet felt there was nothing to worry about at the time. Over the following months the eye darkened considerably. By June 2019 we were concerned enough about the changes we had a specialist consult on his case. The specialist felt the eye was cancerous and should be removed. Pre-operative x-rays threw us for a loop. Dark spots indicated cancer had spread to his lungs. Thoughts of an operation went by the wayside and we dedicated ourselves to giving Michu the best palliative care possible, no matter how short a time it would be.

Michu lapped up the affections of his entourage – both feline and human – and continued to be well and healthy. Except for his eye, that is. By early 2020 his eye grew worse and something needed to be done before it ruptured. The choices were two: euthanize him or remove the eye. Considering how healthy Michu was and his zest for life, the choice was clear. Give him a chance to live.

Michu came through the surgery with flying colours. He healed up beautifully and continues to thrive. His fawning entourage may have something or a lot to do with it.

March 2021 will be his one year post-surgery anniversary. Michu has shown he wants to live and we are here to support him in living his best life.

We couldn’t think of a better Catmas cat to spread peace, joy and the gift of life with everyone.

Michu’s Christmas wish is to have a new cat tree with a large platform (or two) to share. He would never turn down grain-free poultry-based food either.

If you would like to help Michu’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify his name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to sponsor Michu and contribute monthly towards his day-to-day care, please consider donating through and select the fund “Sponsor Parent” along with specifying his name.


Photo Credit: Thomas Ooms

Jessie – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the twelfth day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … our big boy Jessie

Jessie was rescued from a dangerous rural work site in 2014. A shift-worker had become Jessie’s guardian angel, feeding him and watching out to ensure his safety. With the shift coming to an end, the shift-worker grew concerned about Jessie’s demise. There were dangers at hand and no one to look out for him.

Jessie arrived dirty, shabby, stinky and underweight for what a 10-ish month old should be, but otherwise healthy. He has grown into a kind, calm, quiet adult but remains a playful kitten at heart. Jessie does best having companionship, whether human or easy going cats and dogs. Because of his background, Jessie is reserved and observant when faced with new people or situations. Once feeling safe again, he is quite interactive and engaging.

Why Jessie has been overlooked for adoption is a bit of a mystery. He doesn’t want to take over the house and really wants everything to be nice, happy, easy and safe. Perhaps his size works against him? Jessie is a big boy – tall, solid not fat and about 18 lbs. We think there may be some Norwegian Forest Cat ancestors in his family tree. As well, Jessie wants a home where Verna, his stuffed toy rat, is welcome.

Jessie’s Christmas list is short a sweet. He would love a big, thick, cushy bed to sprawl out in and larger rat-esque stuffed toys.

If you would like to help Jessie’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify his name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to discuss Jessie becoming part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Harvey and Finch – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the eleventh day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … a sweet couple Harvey and Finch.

Back in 2017 we were alerted to a rural situation near Sundre. A significant number of cats had been abandoned on a property without a source of food, water, or appropriate shelter. Making matters worse, the neighbours were not happy with the situation and wanted to take matters into their own hands.

We were called in after most of the kittens on the property had been taken into other rescues. Few rescue options were available for the remaining adult cats. All resources were called upon to get them into safety. Many were barely out of kittenhood themselves, including Harvey and Finch.

Harvey embraced indoor life and remains grateful every day for his good fortune for being rescued. He happily goes with the flow and loves everyone who loves him. That worked out especially well when Finch came into his life.

Where Harvey loved his new life without hesitation, Finch is more timid and slower to adapt to change. But once she feels safe and has confidence in her surroundings, Finch is very interactive and engaging. Harvey adores Finch doting on him, and her foster mom loves being followed around with a little shadow.

Both are in excellent health as 3-4 year olds should be. Harvey has a common food sensitivity that is managed easily with a specific diet. They would fit well into quiet households and get along with other friendly cats and medium sized dogs.

Harvey and Finch are so grateful to be warm and safe inside they hesitate to ask for anything. When pressed, they would love to have what most cats want – grain-free poultry-based food, yummy treats and fun toys. Over the top unbelievable would be a bed built for two.

If you would like to help Harvey and Finch’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify their name(s) and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to discuss Harvey and Finch becoming part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Quinn – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the tenth day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … Quinn


From time to time, we are approached by other rescues regarding a cat that requires additional work or for some reason isn’t thriving within their organization. In spring 2019, we received such a call about a cat who wasn’t responding well.

Arriving at the shelter to complete the transfer we found Quinn curled up into a ball in the back corner of the crate. He was more than not responding. Quinn had completely shut down and was unresponsive. This young male deserved a chance of leaving behind a world filled with fear and terror to live as a grateful happy fellow.

In the early days at his foster home, Quinn was extremely timid and fearful of his new surroundings. But given the time and space to get comfortable on his own timetable, Quinn slowly gained his bearings and came to accept he was in a safe place. The safer he felt, the more his confidence grew and the more interactive he has become. Quinn has a puppy-esque quality about him in that he wants to fit in or belong. This may contribute to Quinn’s ability to get along with cat-friendly dogs and self-assured cats. A doting teenager or parent would do well for his confidence too.

We’re astounded by how this playful with a bit of cheek fellow has blossomed into being his own self. In a nurturing home he will continue to be a lively member of the family.

Quinn has a lot of playing to catch up on. He put triple red circles around “toys” on his Christmas wish list. Anything mouse like, squeaky or flopping fish would be perfect. A tall cat stand would be most excellent too so he can watch over his kingdom from above.

If you would like to help Quinn’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify his name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to discuss Quinn becoming part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Sylvester – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the ninth day of Catmus, our true loves gave to thee … Sylvester ready in his tux

Sylvester would likely rather forget about the fourish years of his pre-FRFA days. Once captured by the kind people who started feeding him, he was whisked off for vetting and never looked back. There’s only indoor life from here on in. And with good reason too.

Sylvester had been on the streets long enough to be ravenous and one big mat of fur. Sadly, we suspect this was better than where he had come from. Given he wasn’t feral he had to have been someone’s cat, but the fear he has of men leans towards that home came with life threatening experiences.

This early start has left Sylvester with a bit of a brazen exterior at times when really he is a sweet cat with an extremely sensitive soul. He connects best with those who are kind and understanding while making him feel safe by setting boundaries and keeping routines. Consistency allows him to feel safe and let his guard down. Showering him with praise for how smart he is earns extra gold stars.

Despite his tentative beginnings, Sylvester remains a fabulous cat after 5 years with us. His sweet and goofy personality wins people over. He loves to engage and play with the women he trusts. In fact, he can be quite obedient to those he respects for understanding him. Kids and other pets, not so much because they come with a lot of unpredictability.

Sylvester didn’t put a lot on his Christmas wish list. All we could find is a big fluffy bed, some wand toys and a home to call his own.

If you would like to help Sylvester’s few Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify his name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to discuss Sylvester becoming part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Adelaide and Noodle – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the eighth day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … mom and daughter Adelaide and Noodle.

Adelaide and Noodle’s story is far too familiar. Adelaide was one of many cats on a rural property north of Calgary who weren’t spayed or neutered. The situation had become overwhelming for the owners and they reached out for help. While the owners requested some of their cats back after spays and neuters, Adelaide wasn’t one of them. Pregnant and a kitten herself at less than a year old, she settled into a FRFA foster home to await impending motherhood.

Soon enough, Adelaide gave birth to Noodle and her two sisters, Raisin and Tater Tot. Adelaide was a decent, but not great mother. Being a kitten herself, she wanted to play and pursue more interesting things rather than teach her charges the finer points of being a cat.

Gratefully, Noodle will never know the hardships of living outside. But that doesn’t mean her beautiful torbieness doesn’t come with a bit of catitude at times. Noodle holds high standards for how things should be done or when she needs attention.

This mom-daughter pair have complimentary personalities. Adelaide is silly and sweet-natured. Noodle has keen powers of observation to keep household orderliness and reward any and all attention. Being youngsters at 3 and 2, it naturally makes sense they both love to play with anything and everything.

For Christmas, Adelaide and Noodle would love toys, toys, and more toys. Grain-free poultry-based food (wet or dry) is happily welcomed as well to keep up the energy levels for playing.

If you would like to help Adelaide and Noodles’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify their name(s) and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to discuss Adelaide and Noodle becoming part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Photo Credits: Thomas Ooms

Jake – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the seventh day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … a happily ever after ending to a sad start story.


Jake’s world turned upside down when he found himself dumped on a farm north of Calgary. Lacking the skills to fend for himself outdoors, Jake ended up on the wrong side of the farm cats and got a bad reputation trying to defend himself. The massive upheaval took a deep toll.

Upon arriving at FRFA, most everyone described Jake with the same word – sad. So sad he was named Jake after the lyric “If I die before I wake, feed Jake.” He was given a stuffed toy monkey to be his “I’ll never leave you” buddy and Monkey never left his side. During Jake’s first year with us, upper respiratory issues appeared along with seasonal asthmatic-esque episodes and food allergies. Each issue was managed easily once identified but made him that much more unlikely to adopt.

Given the loving, stable environment of the shelter Jake began to let his guard down. Like many wallflowers, Jake liked to hang back. While appearing aloof at first, he was really sizing up situations and new people until he could trust them. He gained confidence and found a wrestle buddy in Michu and engaged with the volunteers who approached him. Jake settled into life at the shelter living the best life we could give him.

Imagine our utter delighted surprise when after 7 years Shannon came forward with interest in adopting Jake.

Shannon began volunteering at the shelter, making every cat feel special. But Jake caught her eye and her heart with his sweet and quirky ways. Knowing all his issues did not deter her from wanting to have him in her life. We couldn’t ask for a better happy ever after forever home. This is why we never gave up on Jake or any cat – because you never know when their person is going to come along. Every cat deserves a chance for the best life possible with their right people.

Jake is enjoying the presents under the tree to see if any has his name. If you would like to brighten Christmas for one of our other sanctuary cats, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify “sanctuary cat” and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you have a soft spot for cats overlooked for adoption and would like to meet some of ours, please email . Sponsoring a sanctuary cat with a monthly contribution helps with the costs of their day-to-day care. Please consider donating through, select the fund “Sponsor Parent” and specify their name.

Photo credit: Thomas Ooms

Björn – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

** ADOPTED ** Björn’s secret wish came true and is settling in with his new family.

On the sixth day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … a big old softie now named Björn.


Björn appeared in the backyard of a Varsity home around late November. He had been on his own long enough to realize the dangers of being noticed but hungry enough to take the chance. The resident cat alerted their cat-savvy owner to Björn’s presence who quickly sensed this was not a neighborhood cat.

Roughed up and untrusting, Björn would only take the food left for him on the sly. Through patience and cat sense, the owner slowly worked on building his trust. The day finally came when Björn could be swooped up and taken to the vet.

No chip.
No tattoo.
No Neuter.

Björn didn’t belong to a neighbour. He was a stray. Just in time too, given the coyotes in the area weren’t working in his favour for long term survival either.

Luckily, a foster home was available right away. In the just over 2 weeks since entering our care, Björn has gone from being scared and hungry to a big lug of a goofball. His lack of response to household activities along with his desire to purr and seek affection from his foster indicates he came from a home environment.

Despite his recent history, Björn is ready to settle in and devote himself to a happily ever after home. His personality leads us to believe he would be okay with other laid-back cats as well as cat-friendly dogs.

Björn is so happy to be safe indoors with food in his belly that he hesitates to ask for anything this Christmas. If pressed for something special, he quietly admits to wanting more toys of any kind and a cat scratcher. After a steady supply of grain-free poultry-based food of course.

If you would like to help Björn’s quiet Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify his name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to discuss Björn becoming part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Tiki – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the fifth day of Catmus, our true loves gave to thee … Tiki


We have little information about this senior colourpoint. She came to us after being displaced when her owner passed. She likely lived as a single cat in a quiet home and would love to find a similar home to live out her years.

Although a senior at 14 years old, Tiki is rather playful with toys or a laser light. While Tiki enjoys the company of people, in her senioresque moments, she can be a little crotchety and particular about the service of her servants.

For Christmas, Tiki’s wishes are few. She would love more toys to chase and grain-free poultry-based food (wet or dry) to keep her trim girlish figure in tip-top shape.

If you would like to help Tiki’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify her name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to discuss Tiki becoming part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Faith and Spar – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the fourth day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … Faith & Spar

Faith was just another one of many faceless forgotten cats on a rural cat colony north of Calgary. She was well down the path to living out her destiny filled with hardships. Rescuing her at only one year-ish old, Faith was doing her best to care for a litter of kittens, likely not her first.

Spar was one of her litter, and a sickly kitten at that. In her early days with us, there were several occasions we thought she wasn’t going to pull through. But we don’t give up on any cat easily and gave Spar all the support to recover and grow healthy as we could. And very healthy she is. Of course, we in no way overlook Faith’s commitment to nurturing Spar back to health and the bond it created between the pair.

With good food, safe surroundings and engaging interactions, Faith and Spar’s new destiny is one of loving up their people in a new home. Still quite the youngsters at 4 and 3 years old, they bring a balancing combination of Faith’s wise, patient gentleness and Spar’s engaging intelligence. She will need someone to take part in her deep conversations as well as high five. They are a perfect pair to complete a quiet, stable home without kids.

For Christmas, Faith and Spar always welcome grain-free poultry-based food (wet or dry) and would be tickled with a new scratching post or stand, wand toys, large cloth rat/mice or puzzles to figure out.

If you would like to help Faith and Spar’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify their name(s) and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to discuss Faith and Spar becoming part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Dario – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the third day of Catmus, our true loves gave to thee … Dario

Dario became a FRFA cat after we were approached about a cat who was headed for rehoming as a barn cat. Small (about 7lbs soaking wet), older, indoor-only all is his life, and white, Dario’s survival was doubtful, and thriving out of the question. After entering our care, it didn’t take long to suspect abuse had been part of his past.

Dario learned to cope in his former environment by being defensive and untrusting of new people or situations. With an extremely patient, understanding and cat-savvy foster, he began to feel safe enough to let his guard down. Dario has quite the endearing personality and wants to be loved. When held, he often snuggles into a shoulder or neck.

Knowing Dario does not handle change well, the decision was made he needed a rock in his world, not have his world rocked. Uprooting him to a new home would be too much. Dario became a permanent foster and he will live out his life in the company of other cats with a foster who adores him and understands the secure, stable home he needs.

For Christmas, Dario would love to see under the tree his favourite food – Purina Essential Care canned food. While he’s not one for playing, warm snuggly beds are the bees knees in his books.

If you would like to help Dario’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating through ATBCares ( Specify his name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you would like to sponsor Dario and contribute monthly towards his day-to-day care, please consider donating through, select the fund “Sponsor Parent” and specify his name.

Kittens – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the second day of Catmus, our true loves gave to thee … four sweet kittens from the country.


Comfy and cute as Pepe, Olive, Joshua, and Fae may be, their beginnings didn’t start that way. These four sweet girls were discovered in a farm woodpile at about a month old. Their escape artist mother is believed to have been dumped as she was not recognized as one of the farm’s cats. Thankfully, mom found shelter to have her litter and forage for food. When Pepe, Olive, Joshua, and Fae were found at about a month old, they were pretty scruffy with a bit of scrappy catitude.

Upon landing in their foster home, they recognized a good thing and settled into the cushy indoor life. No more worrying about evading predators or an accidental encounter with much larger farm animals. The girls took it upon themselves to embrace kittenhood to the fullest by eating and playing followed by playing and eating after a good kitten nap.

As they approach 6-7 months old, they remain on the small side in stature, but their personalities are beginning to shine.

  • Pepe is lively and loves playing with anything who wants to play with her – sisters, toys or humans. She may be too busy to cuddle while awake but enjoys snuggling up when it is time for a snooze.
  • Olive is the only calico of the four and has more of an outgoing personality like her sister Pepe. Toys and food top the list of her favourite things.
  • Joshua may have a boy’s name, but she is all girl. A little quieter than her sisters Pepe and Olive, Joshua still loves a good play. Joshua fancies herself the big sister to Fae being more worldly and wise than her demure little sister. She takes responsibility for keeping Fae close and safe.
  • Fae is the smallest of the four and most timid. She is very close with Joshua and finds comfort in having a best buddy around. In no way does that deter Fae from playing and being her full kitten self overflowing with cuteness.


For Christmas the girls would love Santa to bring toys, toys, toys, but being on the practical side some grain-free poultry-based food – wet and dry – would help them to play with any toys, toys, toys.

Of course, topping their list would be meeting their forever people and having new homes to explore come January 2021.

If you would like to help Pepe, Olive, Joshua, and Fae’s Christmas wishes come true, please consider donating to ATBCares ( and specify the kittens’ name and where you would like your donation directed in the notes to us.

If you are considering the girls to be part of your family, please complete an adoption application.

Minnie before and after pictures

Minnie – 12 Days of Catmas 2020

On the first day of Catmas, our true loves gave to thee … Minnie

Minnie before and after pictures

You may remember Minnie from the beginning of December. She had been running scared in Copperfield and trying to stay out of sight until catching the eye of Skye, a long time and very devoted volunteer. Skye knew Minnie’s poor body condition meant she had to have been on the streets for too long. Skye’s determination changed Minnie’s life – and the life of her soon to be kittens – forever.

Not hard to see Minnie was not meant for the streets. Warm inside with food in her belly to nourish her kittens, Minnie is happy to be cuddled and adored. While she still has some mom time ahead of her, this will be Minnie’s last litter of kittens and they will not know life on the streets as their mother did.

Minnie’s wishes for Christmas are simple. Food for a healthy pregnancy and feeding soon to be hungry kittens, a warm bed to curl up in and possibly a toy or two.

Contributions towards her vetting costs and that of her kittens would be most wonderful as well.

If you would like to support Minnie and her kittens, please consider donating to ATBCares ( and specify Minnie and your wishes for her in the notes to us.


There is a great deal to be concerned about these days. There has been a very significant reduction in donations with these trying times. Every contribution, large or small makes it possible to provide shelter, food and medical care for our rescued cats. Please help if you can.


Curious grey and orange kittens on stand

Edgemont Global Pet Foods

Good nutrition plays an important role in a cat’s health and wellness.

This is especially true when special conditions are present.

Edgemont Global Pet Foods graciously stepped up with an offer to help keep the cats and kittens fed with the most appropriate foods for their needs.

Your support is greatly appreciated.





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